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AGF shallow agent filter

Full-automatic shallow filter is composed of series of standard rapidsand cylinder which intenior features a unique water distributor and watercollector. Its unique bi-directional automatic rinsing valve may realizeindependent backwashing of multiple standard rapid sand cylinder andautomatic programme control. It has advantages of small water consump-tion for backwash, simple installation and operation, large flowing capacityand no need to maintain. There are vertical and horizontal types dependingon customers' requirements. It is applicable to water treatment of industryand civilian circulation device.

The experimental center has complete equipment, which can perform trace and complete analysis of pollutants, and also has simulated operating conditions such as physicochemical, biochemical, and advanced treatment. The company can customize and manufacture equipment for customers, as well as provide guarantees for their later operation and debugging.

Key words:

AGF shallow agent filter


Full-automatic shallow filter is composed of series of standard rapidsand cylinder which intenior features a unique water distributor and watercollector. Its unique bi-directional automatic rinsing valve may realizeindependent backwashing of multiple standard rapid sand cylinder andautomatic programme control. It has advantages of small water consump-tion for backwash, simple installation and operation, large flowing capacityand no need to maintain. There are vertical and horizontal types dependingon customers' requirements. It is applicable to water treatment of industryand civilian circulation device.


Working principle

By combination of domestic and abroad technology, we developedthis new filter with independent intellectual property———AGF shallowagent filter. It has adv antages of compact structure and highly automation.lts unique structure enables the effluent turbidity below 0.5NTU andfiltration precision of 5um. Meanwhile , it can backwash automatically withexcellent performance and low operation cost.
Positive-w ashing filtration:
When the device is in the state of filtration, unfiltered water distributesunifomly through a unique self-developed distributor and then flowsthrough the filling layer( refined grain quartz sand or gament) in laminarstate . As the water flows through the filling layer, impurities are trapped infilling layer. The uniformly distributed connector on the bottom collect andextract the filtered water unifomly and then filter the water stratospheri-cally, thus the filter can run in high speed flow and achieve better effect.
As the impurities accumulate in filling layer, the head loss will increasecontinuously. When the head loss reaches the preset value , the constantpressure unit will be activ ated and shift it to backwashing state. Oncefinishing backwash for the first set, the direction of hydraulic valve ischanged to cary out backwash one by one, thus it is much convenient torinse the accumulated impurities.
When the device is in state of backwashing, the filtration continues,while the standard sand cylinderwhich is going to be backwashed will stopfiltration. Clean water after filtration is used to backwash the standardsand cylinder and the rest is sent to the users. Backwash sewage isdischarged through backw ash discharging outlet of hydraulic valve. Theunique connector is designed to realize mutual rinsing among packingfiller so as to maximize the backwash efficiency, reduce water consump-tion (clean water) and eliminate matenial loss. It takes two minutes tobackwash a standard sand cylinder. Once the backwash for one standardsand cylinder is finished, the head loss inside will be decreased to reason-able range. and then a reset signal is given by constant pressure device,the hydraulic valve recovers to filtration. Finally, the next standard sandcylinder begins to backwash.


echnical data

Filter agent and flow capacity :
Several kinds of ordinary agent can be used in this device, and the quart sand is the most frequently used.
In accordance with the requirements of fltration, the following types of quartz sand are suggested:

Normal combinations of filter


1、Small olume, easy to install, space-saving. t can be mounted outside, no need to build house, construction cost saving.
Small for area, can be mounted indoor o outdoor,upper or lower,good adaptablt, Compact stucture,space-saving.corosion resistance,can be mountedindoor or outdoor.
2、Good property of corrosion resistance, long lifespan
3、Large filtration capacity, good filtration results.
Fast litration velocty which may be 4Om/h, and may reach 6Dm h in accordance with the water quality. Cycling wate is used infiter backwashing.so there is noneed to set booster o ant-suction pump.ttakes 2-3minutes for backwashing and the backwvashing consumption is less than 3m?. High fitraton precision isless than0.1mm and effiuent turbidity is ess than 0.5NTU.Composed by standard sand cylinder iltation capacity can be increased from 30.8m-'h to 250Om'h.
4、Automatic baclwash the backwashing procss can be identfed and controled by ine ligent control system without human intervention.Evenif the suspendedsolid in water fluctuates, the device will adapt to that automatically.
5、Continuous water feeding: fitration goes along with backwashing and supply water continuously.
6.Unicue ditibutor and collector the water flows in state of laminar.The surace of the fitration sand bed keep fat,thus ensures the stability of outet water.
7、It takes refined quarz sand and garnet a fitration agent.Choose in accordance with water quality. The minimal particle diameter can be 0.16mm
8,Low cost for long-term operation, electricity saving, water saving, maintenance cost saving.E
Electricity saving it has unique backwash valve. Backwash of sand flter pool is going one by one under normal operation inste
d of going simultaneously, thus
backwash pump is not a necessity.Compared with other sand filters, the filter pump lit of this device is 6-7m lower.
Water saving: due to its unique distributor,collector and unform specification,the backwashing ill be efective without compressed ai.Fitered cean water isused for backwashing, thus the water consumption is small. Water consumption for single pool is 1 m'/minute and time consumption is 2-3minutes
Maintenance expense saving:the muli-functional valve is applied to controlthe backwash instead of mechanical or electical valve. The maulti-functional vave hasadvantages of non-abrasion, long lifespan and no damage record in decade, thus the maintenance cost is low.


1、Filtration to industrial water——there are certain requirements towater quality.suchas firaion of see lance water, bolrs,heat exchangers. Theimpuritiescan be filtered to avoid nozzle clogging.
2、Filter for industrial water circulation.
3、Raw water reatment it can be used to move sand,foating solids ,agae and organics in suftace water lake water, sea water reservoir,well water as wellassub-district water supply with source of town tap water.
4、 Agriculturalirigation——particulary suitable for water with high fow capacty.good impurites containing. such as famland irigation,park and gof courseturf irrigation.
5、Appied in circulaton water treatment of food processig, papermaking, power plant, pure water treatment of industry and medical industry as well asrecycling and treatment of industrial sewage.
6、 Aquaculture, swimming and water park.

Recommended products

1、High strength                         ​​​​​​​2、 high film hanging rate

1、The gas-liquid interface is large     2、The bubble diffuses evenly           3、The disc body is firm                 ​​​​​​​4、Long service life

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

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