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ZCCG vertical-frame center drive sludge scraper

ZCCG vertical-frame center drive sludge scraper is applicable to the radial-flow sedimentation tank in large and medium as well assmall tank diameter and with central inlet and peripheral outlt as well as central sludge discharging .it is mainly used for sudge suctionand discharging in the secondary sedimentation tank in the town sewage treatment plant.

The experimental center has complete equipment, which can perform trace and complete analysis of pollutants, and also has simulated operating conditions such as physicochemical, biochemical, and advanced treatment. The company can customize and manufacture equipment for customers, as well as provide guarantees for their later operation and debugging.

Key words:

ZCCG vertical-frame center drive sludge scraper


ZCCG vertical-frame center drive sludge scraper is applicable to the radial-flow sedimentation tank in large and medium as well assmall tank diameter and with central inlet and peripheral outlt as well as central sludge discharging .it is mainly used for sudge suctionand discharging in the secondary sedimentation tank in the town sewage treatment plant.


Structure & working principle

This equpmertis f cener tive and vetcl rame tye The seweg fow inthe guite fow aylider ron the waler inet pipe ad ifiovs out to the tank periphery unfomly in radel ste aeveritidspesed .The sLucge in sbsendesd sale is drpste at.the tan cvoicom aher se赳irg Te drveurit tves the cener vericl frame orotae aorgthe tank peithay and dies th scaing am andsloge caing lale o otale smultaneouety .Afisth studg is swaped othecortra s utecoleding huefon thetak prphery i s sataged out of akdae ending an the ais waler pessveintre tank The sum 2o e the wer tura e is somnedtote tank egeby simning derice and thn tis caed in he desaggig oor by sum scaing ave Fiol y i isdoshaged ouo of tankThe supermatant overflows in the effluent chute through the triangular effluent weir plate and it is discharged out.


Model explanation

Main technical parameter & installation dimension form

Main feature

1.The working bridge is of half-bridge type. lts material can be used carbon steel or stainless steel structure
2.For dive unith com2.Frordive unit. he combinaton between the bevl gereducer and worm ger reducer is adoped to assue the outout orgue and rolational spee as wll as hightransmission effect.
3.The over torgue protector is installed in the reducer.Safe and reliable operation.
4.The equipment operation is simple and convenient and the localremote control changeoverswith is insalld so tht it an control the equpmen directly


Outline & installation foundation drawinc

Recommended products

1、High strength                         ​​​​​​​2、 high film hanging rate

1、The gas-liquid interface is large     2、The bubble diffuses evenly           3、The disc body is firm                 ​​​​​​​4、Long service life

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

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