Kind hearted actions, warm campus | Pulis donates 150000 yuan to impoverished students in Yichuan County

Release Time:

Nov 22,2023

On the morning of April 27, 2023, Zhou An, General Manager of Jiangsu Pulis Environmental Protection, donated 150000 yuan to impoverished students in Yichuan County, contributing his humble efforts to them!

A single spark can start a prairie fire. May more loving people participate! Let our love spread to others!

Subsequently, General Manager Zhou An of Pulis also comforted the local people in need, visited the old Red Army who had made contributions to the motherland, and represented the company in providing assistance to the people in need.

Jiangsu Pulis Helps Difficult Masses

Jiangsu Pulis Condolences the Old Red Army

Zhou An stated that in order to better repay society, gain respect and recognition from society, enterprises must shoulder social responsibility, pay attention to social hotspots, unleash their value, and strive to solve social problems.