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KCG efficient precipitator

Efficient precipitator, also known as rapid precipitator, is widely used in water treatment with high turbidity of medium and small water supply engineering.

The experimental center has complete equipment, which can perform trace and complete analysis of pollutants, and also has simulated operating conditions such as physicochemical, biochemical, and advanced treatment. The company can customize and manufacture equipment for customers, as well as provide guarantees for their later operation and debugging.

Key words:

KCG efficient precipitator

Purpose and introduction

Efficient precipitator, also known as rapid precipitator, is widely used in water treatment with high turbidity of medium and small water supply engineering.


Model explanation

Main technical parameter and instalation dimension

Main characteristics

The device takes secondary mixing reaction and new method of rapid precipitation. lts advantages are as follows:
1、Compact structure, small size, no mechanical transmission, easy to operate or manage
2、High efficiency, good effect, stable property, no noise.
3、Adequate agents usage, consumption saving.


Outline structure

Recommended products

1、High strength                         ​​​​​​​2、 high film hanging rate

1、The gas-liquid interface is large     2、The bubble diffuses evenly           3、The disc body is firm                 ​​​​​​​4、Long service life

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

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