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YHG walnut shell filter

Filtration is the most effective method to remove the suspended solids in water, but itis useless for oily water.As the major oil-fields have increasingly demands to purification ofaffusion water, we developed a new oil-filter applied in oil-field and other oily sewagetreatment. YHG walnut shell filter is your ideal choice for oily sewage and it has played asignificant role in oily sewage treatment of various fields.

The experimental center has complete equipment, which can perform trace and complete analysis of pollutants, and also has simulated operating conditions such as physicochemical, biochemical, and advanced treatment. The company can customize and manufacture equipment for customers, as well as provide guarantees for their later operation and debugging.

Key words:

YHG walnut shell filter

Purpose and introduction

Filtration is the most effective method to remove the suspended solids in water, but itis useless for oily water.As the major oil-fields have increasingly demands to purification ofaffusion water, we developed a new oil-filter applied in oil-field and other oily sewagetreatment. YHG walnut shell filter is your ideal choice for oily sewage and it has played asignificant role in oily sewage treatment of various fields.


Structure and working principle

lt takes specially processed walnut shell as filtration agent which has strong adsorption and canregenerate with backwashing. The agent has advantages of strong pressure-resistance, stable chemicalproperty(not susceptible to dissolve in acid or alkaline solution), high hardness, good abrasion-resistance,no replacement for long-term use, strong adsorption and interception capacity (with adsorption of25%-53%) , good hydrophobicity as well as oil stain-resistance. The proportion of this agent is larger thanwater(1.225) and it is convenient to backwash and regenerate. lt should be indicated particularly that theunfiltered water can be used to backwash without air source or chemical agent. Therefore, the agent hasadvantages of low operation cost, convenient management, low backwash strength, good effect,durableand no susceptible to corrupt. In accordance with water quality, it can be used in single stage or doublestage.


Model explanation


Other related technical parameter

water treatment quantity : 10 180m3/h
designed pressure. 0.6MPa
working temperature:5~75C
backwash time:8~10min
working inlet water pressure: >0.3MPa

requirements of
pre-filtered water quality :
oil content<120mg/L
SS contents30mg/L

indicator for filtered water quality
first-class treatment:
oil removal rate: 93%
oil content:<10mg/L
SS content: <5mg/l

second-class treatment:
oil removal rate: 65%
oil content: <5mg/L
SS content: <3mg/L


Ordering instructions

1、Detailed sewage quantity and water quality information should beprovided to us so as to prepare filter model and agent specification.
2、We can customize device in accordance with the requirements ofusers.
3、 We may undertake feasibility study in accordance with the require-ments of customers.
4、We provide integral device and single unit.


Service methods

1、Packing, delivering and transporting on your behalf.
2、For pilot research, we only charge the research cost.
3、Technical consultant.
4、We will dispatch technicians to guide and assist yourinstallation.


Device icon

Recommended products

1、High strength                         ​​​​​​​2、 high film hanging rate

1、The gas-liquid interface is large     2、The bubble diffuses evenly           3、The disc body is firm                 ​​​​​​​4、Long service life

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

1.Small aeration bubble 2.The gas-liquid interface is large 3.The bubble diffuses evenly 4.The disc body is firm 5.Long service life of diaphragm       6、Can be promoted                     ​​​​​​​7、Easy to install without pumping

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